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한.이탈리아 수교120주년 기념 축사

2004-06-02 00:00:00

Remarks by H.E. Ban Ki-Moon

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade

on the occasion of the 120th Anniversary

of the Establishment of Diplomatic Ties


Korea and Italy

- June 2, 2004 -


   Ambassador Francesco Rausi (프란체스코 라우지),

   Mr. 김영호, President of the Korea-Italy Friendship Association,

    Amb. 권인혁, President of the Korea Foundation,

   Ambassadors, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

    It gives me real pleasure to be here with you this evening, particularly as we have two very happy occasions to celebrate : Italy's National Day as well as the 120th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Italy.

I would like to begin by first congratulating the government of Italy on the 58th anniversary of the birth of the Italian Republic, which has emerged as one of the most prosperous democracies in the world.

It is my sincere hope that the 120th anniversary of the establishment of our ties will generate fresh momentum for our two countries to reinforce the close bonds that unite us still further.

Italy has indeed been a friend in need for Korea.

The Italian government sent a medical unit to Korea during the Korean War, which treated more than 220,000 wounded people over three years.  

Furthermore, we are still thankful for the assistance rendered by the people and government of Italy in our time of financial difficulty in the late 1990s.

Over a long period of time, Korea and Italy have forged close ties of friendship on the solid basis of the values we share, such as democracy and the market economy.   The similarities in our national characters also provide fertile common ground for a flourishing partnership.  

This juncture also, of course, is a time to look forward to the future of our relationship.  

Our two countries have a lot of potentials to develop, as exchanges and joint efforts are being stepped up across a whole spectrum of areas.

On the economic front, Korea and Italy are emerging as partners of even greater importance to each other.  Currently, Italy is Korea's third largest trading partner among the European countries.   And our two countries are exerting full efforts to further strengthen interaction in the fields of investment and high-tech industries.   

In addition to the government level cooperation through Joint Economic Commission, the two sides are striving to develop close links between our small and medium sized companies as a path towards shared prosperity.

Moreover, Italy has been one of the most active supporters of our policy of peace and prosperity towards North Korea.   In this regard, I wish to thank the Italian government for the determined endeavours it made during its Presidency of the European Union last year to encourage North Korea to take its place as a responsible member of the international community through the opening of its society and cooperation with the outside world.

With the continuous backing of Europe, spearheaded by Italy, I am cautiously optimistic that we will find a peaceful solution to the North Korean nuclear issue, thereby moving closer to the early realization of common prosperity and solid peace on the Korean Peninsula.   We will continue to count on Italy's unswerving encouragement in this regard.

Our two countries are collaborating to organize various cultural and academic events, including the inauguration of a Korea-Italy Forum, to celebrate the 120th year of relations between us.   I am confident that all of these celebrations will generate fresh impetus for the deepening of our friendship and mutual understanding between us.   Following all the remarkable achievements that have been attained, the Korean government will continue its efforts to move into an even brighter future for Korean-Italian relations.

Let me take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to Ambassador Rausi for his true dedication to  cementing the bonds between our two countries.   We all acknowledge his great reputation as one of the most active ambassadors in Seoul's diplomatic circle.

Excellencies and Distinguished Guests,

May I now propose a toast to an everlasting friendship and greater cooperation between Italy and Korea, as well as to every success for Ambassador Rausi in his noble endeavours in Korea.   Thank you.