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Press Releases

Holding of the Second Round of the “2009 Business Seminars on the UN Procurement Market”


1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) 
and the Korean Network of the UN Global Compact had jointly hosted a UN Procurement 
Market Seminar on November 19 at the Korea World Trade Center in Seoul.

2. The aim of the Seminar was to raise the understanding on the UN procurement market, 
which has constantly expanded, and to actively support the entry of Korean companies 
into the market.

 ㅇ South Korea’s supply to the UN procurement market in 2008 was 33 million USD, 
    which only accounted for 0.24% of the total amount of 13.59 billion USD.

3. At the Seminar, the UNDP procurement officer of the UN Procurement Division and the 
representatives of the businesses participating at present in the UN procurement activities  
had spoken about the ways to register and bid in the UN procurement market as well as 
share about successful procurement cases. Approximately 170 Korean companies, mainly 
small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), had participated in the Seminar.

4. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade has hosted a total of 4 UN Procurement Market 
Seminars since 2007, and has hosted the first round of the 2009 Seminars in March in Seoul.

              Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Relations of MOFAT 

* unofficial translation